Let Me Teach You: Pedagogical Foundations of Feedback for Language Models


Natural Language Feedback (NLF) is an increasingly popular avenue to align Large Language Models (LLMs) to human preferences. Despite the richness and diversity of the information it can convey, NLF is often hand-designed and arbitrary. In a different world, research in pedagogy has long established several effective feedback models. In this opinion piece, we compile ideas from pedagogy to introduce FELT, a feedback framework for LLMs that outlines the various characteristics of the feedback space, and a feedback content taxonomy based on these variables. Our taxonomy offers both a general mapping of the feedback space, as well as pedagogy-established discrete categories, allowing us to empirically demonstrate the impact of different feedback types on revised generations. In addition to streamlining existing NLF designs, FELT also brings out new, unexplored directions for research in NLF. We make our taxonomy available to the community, providing guides and examples for mapping our categorizations to future resources.
